2018年7月27日 星期五

15 foods that help reduce your appetite for those who are often hungry

15 foods that help reduce your appetite for those who are often hungry

We have always dreamt having the freedom to eat everything and anything without fear of gaining weight. As much as we would like to tell you that there is an easy way to do this unfortunately, it is impossible to. The good news is there are various healthy and delicious foods that could help you restraint your appetite and avoid weight gain.

1. Redfish
Redfish contains lots of proteins and essential omega 3 fatty acids. Such mixtures of nutrients keeps you satisfied for a long time. This is a great addition due to the fact that eating fish is very healthy. This goes on to say eating red fish on a regular basis can help reduce your chances of having diabetes, obesity, and development of heart diseases.

They are a great source of essential fatty acids but the oleic acid present keeps you filled. Researchers conducted an experiment in California that illustrates people who ate avocado during lunch did so with the aim of eating 40% less 3 hours after meal.

3. Coffee
The caffeine in coffee helps control our appetite, burns calories and also breaks down fats. For instance, if you take coffee 30 minutes to 4 hours before a meal, it affects your appetite. Normally, we are advised to dink 2 cups of naturally brewed coffee in order to lose weight. Keep in mind caffeine is not suitable for everyone so make sure excess consumption won’t harm you.

4. Chia seed
Chia seed reduce appetite and are known to provide a sense of fullness. They are able to absorb water 11-12 times the seeds mass. There are many different options to choose from, you can put it in your oatmeal, yoghurt, fruits or just milk.

5. Coconut oil
Coconut oil stands out from oils because it contains medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs). It helps reduce appetite. Their absorption in the body creates a positive effect on the body’s metabolism. For instance, it helps burn calories and rids belly fat. Recent study showed people who consumed oil during the day ate 256kcal less than they usually do.

6. Eggs
Eggs are very cheap and are an excellent source of protein that gives satisfaction. Studies indicated that if one had eggs for breakfast, they end up eating fewer calories and lose weight. An experiment showed people who were on a low calorie diet in two groups; those who ate eggs as breakfast lost 65% more weight than those who didn’t.

7. Chili Pepper
Chilli pepper is said to have capsaicin; which is a chemical that decreases appetite while helping weight loss at same time. It is advised to add chili to your meals daily if you want to enjoy its fat burning capabilities.

8. Spinach
These veggies contain thylacoids which boosts the level of the leptin hormone. This hormone adjusts the exchange of energy and controls the feeling of being hungry.
Furthermore, consuming 100g of spinach every day is enough to enable us reach the desired effect.

9. Green tea
This extra ordinary tea comprises of 2 ingredients (caffeine and catechin) that aids weight loss. The first burns fat and overwhelms appetite while the other heightens metabolism and gets rid of fat. The blend of both ingredients allows the body burn calories more effective. Research shows both ingredients can boost burning calories by 4%. Added to that, it is recommended to drink 250mg to 500mg of green tea a day.

10. Lentils
Lentils are very satisfying with fewer calories; plus they are easier to cook than beans. . They are rich in protein and fiber which efficiently fights hunger. Also, they are very healthy as they contain so much folic acid, thiamine, manganese, iron and potassium.

11. Ginger
The gingerol in ginger root helps facilitate weight loss; as study have showed that consuming gingerol daily would help lose extra kilos. It also helps in regulating the amount of leptin, the hormone that adjusts energy exchange and subdues hunger.

12. Oatmeal
Regular oatmeal contains so much fiber that it keeps you filled for a long time. Study showed people who had oatmeal for breakfast felt less hungry afterwards and also ate 31% less calories at lunch compared to those who didn’t.

13. Natural yoghurt
This delicious food is filled with protein and keeps you satisfied for a long time. It also contains bacteria that aid digestion. Those that are not fat free helps reduce risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Surprisingly, fat-free yoghurts contain much sugar; hence we recommend you avoid them.

14. Soup
Adding soup to our meals is another great way of losing weight. For example, start a meal with a bowl of soup and you will end up eating less food whether the soup is chunky or pureed as long as its broth based. It contains so many nutrients; it is low fat and satisfying.

15. Nuts
According to a 2015 study in the journal of the American Heart Association shows nuts contains so much monounsaturated fats, a heart healthy and more sustaining choice than their grain based equivalents. Nuts like walnuts, peanuts, and almonds help restrain hunger. People who often eat nuts may have lower abdominal fat than those who eat carb-based treats.

